Carlos Leite (São Paulo, Brazil, 1964): Architect and Urbanist, professor, consultant, lecturer and author on the agendas of Urban Development, Sustainable Urban Development, Megacities, “Smart Informal Cities” and related fields, based on São Paulo;
Architect and Urbanist with a Master and PhD in Urban Studies from the University of São Paulo and a Postdoc from California Polytechnic University;
Adjunct Professor at the School of Architecture and Planning, Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo;
Visiting Professor at Fundação Dom Cabral Business School;
Lecturer and Visiting Professor at several Universities and Institutions including UC Berkeley (CED), Stanford (CLAS), CalPoly, IaaC/Barcelona, Parsons-NY, Columbia (Earth Institute), Amsterdam Academy
Consultant on Sustainable Urban Development for Governments, Private Sector, NGO’s and
- International Institutions/Organisms (IADB, LSE) and on City Innovation (Mandalah, Creafutur);
Principal At Stuchi & Leite Projetos with prized works on Urban and Architectural Projects in Brazil and abroad;
Author of “Cidades Sustentáveis, Cidades Inteligentes” (Sustainable Cities, Smart Cities”, Sao Paulo: Bookman, 2012); the chapter “Sustainable Megacity Visions From São Paulo” in Urban Design Ecologies AD Reader (Wiley, 2012) and more than 15 published articles on the fields of megacities sustainability and urban regeneration.